(713) 526-3989


More Ways to Give Back

Help recruit Nanny Angels. Please help us with Nanny Angel recruitment. Word of mouth is the best way we can share what we do at NAN. Whenever you have an opportunity, please share the NAN story. Refer your friends and colleagues so they too can make a significant difference in the lives of families and children when they need it the most.

Support NAN other ways. We always need support fundraising and helping at our events. The greater the awareness of NAN, the more families we will be able to support.

It costs NAN approximately $7,000 a year to provide care to one family. That amount includes matching volunteers to families, providing transportation to and from visits, offering grief and bereavement training to our volunteers, and funding the tools and supplies our Nanny Angels use with children. If you’re able to make a commitment in addition to your volunteer hours, there are other ways to help.

Be a Nanny Angel Mentor – You may also be asked to mentor a new Nanny Angel. This is a very rewarding experience that we hope you will embrace. You can share your experience and knowledge with a new Nanny Angel volunteer.

Advisory Committee Join the Nanny Angel Volunteer Advisory Committee that meets quarterly to share insight, experiences and recommendations to improve NAN services.

Make a donation – It can be a one-time amount or a regular donation. You can even dedicate it to someone.

Host a fundraiser – Consider hosting a neighbourhood garage sale, toy drive or bake sale. Every dollar counts.

Ask for donations instead of gifts – Whether it’s a birthday, an anniversary or a holiday gift exchange with friends… ask people to donate to NAN in lieu buying gifts.

Shop our store – Pick up a T-shirt or a beautiful angel wing necklace. All proceeds go to support NAN.

Volunteer in our office – Whatever your skills and experience, we can use them! In addition to volunteering as a caregiver, you can help us out at head office or offer your time at an event.

Share on social media Our founder Audrey Guth often makes media appearances to talk about NAN. Sharing videos and other updates with your network is a great way to help spread the word.