(713) 526-3989


What is NANapply

NANapply is our user-friendly online site that lets you confirm and cancel visits, and enter feedback to help the Child Life Specialist and Family Experience Coordinator keep track of the progress you are making with your family. NANapply can be easily accessed from any mobile device including tablets and smart phones as well as any laptop or desktop computer. You will receive your login information after you’ve completed your training.

Mom is usually the one to confirm visits, so please encourage her to do so. If she can’t, you can help her out by doing so yourself. Once a visit is confirmed, it’s in the system. After the visit, use NANapply to confirm that the visit actually took place and write feedback regarding your visit in the post-visit notes area. Keeping track of visit history is crucial to the survival of our organization and our ability to help more moms every year. NAN relies on your input.

Your feedback doesn’t have to be extensive, just a snapshot of your time with the family. Talk about any challenges the children may be experiencing, behaviours you noted, things you talked about, activities you did with them. It gives our Child Life Specialist the chance to actively contribute to their care plan and provide strategies, activities and other practical things you can do to help the children with their emotional development.