As a Nanny Angel, your priority is supporting the children in your care. To ensure safety, security and consistency of care, Nanny Angels must abide by the following rules.
If you’re not feeling well, please cancel your appointment with as much notice as possible. Do not go on a visit if you are coughing, have a fever, or generally don’t feel well as our moms are immune compromised.
• Don’t bring food into the home. Many children have food intolerances and allergies. Also, moms undergoing chemo are often very sensitive to odors from certain foods.
• Don’t wear perfume or scented lotion – mom may have an increased sensitivity to scents due to her treatment.
• Don’t take photos of the children’s faces or anything that would identify who they are or where the family lives or post anything on social media without written parental consent.
• Don’t agree to care for children other than those of your assigned family. Our insurance does not cover children other than those we have signed authorization to care for.
• Don’t release children to anyone without written parental consent found in the Service Agreement.
• Don’t administer any kind of medication unless it is life-saving.
• Don’t drive the children in your own vehicle unless you have the required personal vehicle insurance coverage (1 million liability coverage) and you and the parent have signed the liability waiver in service agreement.
• Don’t take personal calls or use your cell phone during visits unless it is an emergency.
• Don’t purchase toys and gifts for the children. You will be supplied with toys and activities free of charge. All toys and activities must be NAN approved.
• Don’t disclose what your role is to anyone other than immediate family. The mom may not want others to know that she has been diagnosed with cancer.
• Don’t accept gifts or gratuities of any kind for the work you do as a volunteer. You may suggest that the family make a donation to NAN instead.
• Don’t provide medical or legal advice to families. Nanny Angels do not act as therapists, counsellors, social workers, medical professionals or lawyers.