Our training leads to credentials.
As nanny industry leaders and supporters, we value other high quality programs that support the development of professional nannies. Since our in-depth program is specifically geared towards and created for nannies, we believe experienced caregivers who earn the NannyTraining.com nanny certificate should be adequately prepared to take the International Nanny Association Nanny Credential Exam, the gold standard in nanny credentialing in the United States.*
For nannies seeking third party certification, our Foundation Practice for Nannies course has been endorsed by Nanny Stella, Inc. and is offered as a CACHE Endorsed Learning Program through the Nanny Stella, Inc., CACHE-Approved Learning Centre.
For nannies seeking independent credentials, the curriculum in the NannyTraining.com Nanny Certificate course aligns with the US Nanny Association National Standards and the clock hours from this course are accepted for the US Nanny Association Basic Nanny and Childcare Provider (BNCP) Credential.
To learn more about the US Nanny Association Credentials, please visit https://www.usnanny.org/credentials.
*These statements are not endorsed nor provided by the International Nanny Association. INA does not endorse training programs.